Hi following code shows abstraction between business layer and data access layer. data access can be any like using
JDBC or Hibernate.
The DAO Factory public abstract class DAOFactory
public static final DAOFactory HIBERNATE =
new com.vmware.vcp.dao.hibernate.HibernateDAOFactory();
public static final DAOFactory JDBC =
new com.vmware.vcp.dao.jdbc.JDBCDAOFactory();
public static final DAOFactory DEFAULT = HIBERNATE;
public static final DAOFactory getDAOFactory()
return DEFAULT;
public abstract CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO();
The Hibernate DAO Factory public class HibernateDAOFactory extends DAOFactory
public CustomerDAO getCustomerDAO()
return new CustomerDAOHibernate(getCurrentSession(Constants.Hibernate.MASTER_SESSION_FACTORY_NAME));
The Customer DAO interface public interface CustomerDAO {
public Customer findCustomerForUserId(
String id, boolean lock);
The concrete impl of customer dao
public class CustomerDAOHibernate implements CustomerDAO
public Customer findCustomerForUserId(String id, boolean lock)
// Database access code
Business layer code DAOFactory df = DAOFactory.getDAOFactory();
CustomerDAO custDao = df.getCustomerDAO();
custDao.findCustomerForUserId(UserId, true);