This document contains details regarding the VBScript files execution with Windows Script Engine (WSE). Access the Java Objects in VBScripts or VB.
VBScript can use the java objects (
applet or java beans) using GetObject() function by Instantiate Java object via moniker.
Installation Requirements:
Download the windows script host .exe file from the Microsoft site & Install it.
URL is:
http://msdn.microsoft.com/scripting/default.htm?/scripting/vbscript/default.htm Procedure:
We can run WSE either in desktop or in command line. For Desktop we have to run wscript.exe & for command line run cscript.exe which takes *.vbs(VBScript file) as the argument.
The java class file, which we are accessing in vbscript file, should be in the classpath.
The one more condition for java file is it has to have the Default constructor.
hope this may help u.