"<XArC version="2.0" service="GetHitList" type="response"><folder name='Vermoegensstatus'><document><docid>100000</docid><metainfo><docid>5678789457895</docid><docid>5678954</docid> "
hi manfred ur method works perfectly fine but the problem is that sometimes i get number of (more than one) occurence of the
pattern <docid></docid> , ur method returns only one value but if more than one value is present its not returning( i mean if there are two tags <docid></docid> with values then it should return the 2 values but only one is returned how can i deal this problem ..how can i intoduce a looping for this stuff, to look for multiple occurences of docids ..pls advice on this
[ April 25, 2002: Message edited by: vivek sivakumar ]