Thank you to Bill (I love your
Java Exam Cram books!) and Conan for your help and suggestions.
I finally fixed the problem and here's how:
1) ... and I'm not sure if this really helped, but certainly didn't hurt: I had still got the JDK1.5.0\bin folder in my PATH as set in autoexec.bat (on my Win98 system). So, I temporarily removed it until I had a successful install.
2) ... what I *really* think fixed it:
On the second day of trying to fix the problem, when I reran the installation programme when it got to "Configuring Windows Installer" I got the following error message:
"The configuration data for this product is corrupt. Contact your support personnel."
NOW WHAT?! So, after banging my head against the desk 50 times, I somehow guessed this was a more generic problem than anything to do with the JDK install. The error was coming from Windows Installer. I Googled for the error message. The following link gave me the best clue: Basically, it says:
Analyze the MSI log file to find the errors that were encountered during the installation. The MSI log file can usually be found in the Temp directory. If the installation log file does not exist, then see the document How to create an installation log file when installing Norton AntiVirus Corporate Edition 7.5. Troubleshoot any errors that the installation log file reports.
"The following is an example of an MSI error log and the solution:
MSI log entry:
'last line that generated an error'
MSI (c) (1F:CB): Unexpected or missing value (name: 'PackageName', value: '') in key
1. Delete all instances of the
string '74BE21DBFDBD3D11EBAE000ACC725290' from the registry.
2. Restart computer.
The "How to create an installation log file..." link gave me this information:
To create an installation log file, run Setup.exe with the following command-line parameters:
setup.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v c:\log.txt"
So, I did this:
jdk-1_5_0-windows-i586.exe /s /v"/qn /l*v E:\Temp\JDKlog.txt"
Sure enough, the resulting logfile gave me a message similar to:
MSI (c) (1F:CB): Unexpected or missing value (name: 'PackageName', value: '') in key
So, using my favourite registry editor (Registrar Lite) I searched for the long alphanumeric key string and, sure enough, I found several.
In my registry cleanup yesterday I must have removed some of these and not all of them (because I was searching for other things and therefore not found every instance of this string).
So, I deleted them all, as suggested earlier, and then rebooted.
I then tried to install J2SE 5.0 and... SUCCESS! Phewwwwwww!
Wow, what a nightmare process to get this done!
So, now, after successfully installing, the JDK has left enormous files on my C: drive (back to how all this started in the first place!). They are in these folders:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Update\Base Images\jdk1.5.0.b64 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Update\Base Images\jdk1.5.0.b64\patch-jdk1.5.0.b64 C:\Program Files\Common Files\Java\Update\Base Images\jre1.5.0.b64
(I've since learnt that you *must not* remove these ZIP files!)
and here:
C:\WINDOWS\Local Settings\Application Data\{32A3A4F2-B792-11D6-A78A-00B0D0150000}
The long alphanumeric string will be different for your computer, but the folder contains these files:
1033.MST (4KB) J2SE Development Kit 5.0.msi (41,139KB)
Take a look around, you will find *.msi (Windows Installer Package) files all over your C: drive!
I *think* it is safe to remove them, but, now I'm afraid to. I'd love to recover the huge amount of disk space they take up. Does anyone know if it is *really* safe to remove them?
- Garry