Sorry for the hassle, Vinod. The Ranch is trying to maintain a level of professionalism that the sherriffs feel can't be had with chatroom type usernames and aliases. The naming policy requires that we use first and last name and it can't be obviously ficticious (like Luke Skywalker, who I really happen to like!
). Anyway, I have never had anyone spam me or otherwise misuse my contact information, so I feel good about the privacy of it.
I don't know the answer to the first part of your question, about finding successive occurrances of a given node. But the other part about scrolling to the selected node: If you nest your JTree inside of a JScrollPane (you mentioned that it is currently inside a ScrollPane and I don't know if this supports the method I'm recommending) you can make a call to scrollRowToVisible(). This method takes an int representing the row you want to make visible. You can see the API on line
here and you may be able to find a better way than what I am suggesting.
Again, thanks for sticking with it and re-registering. The Ranch is a quality site because of the serious professionals like yourself that are actively participating in these forums!