Hey Dirk.
Yep I think I'll need more specific info.
But I guess I didn't explain exatcly what am tring to do.
So heres a better explantion. Oh by the way am reallynew to this applet thing and interfacing with the internet.So if my explantions and concepts are worng please let me know ok.
So let me start of by saying the application I have at the momnent has two parts - A GUI and fuctionality.
And the application on the whole is about 30MB.
So thats my first problem. Its HUGE.
Lets say for simplicity that I had made a an application with a simple GUI. Lets say it had one button and one text field.
Lets say I had a web site. Lets say its
www.myprogram.com So a person types in the address and walla! this frame comes up with one button and a Text field.
The user is to type in a number into the text field and then press the button. When the button is pressed the number is put into the rest of the program (the 20 or 30 MB program) and a answer is genetated and dsiplayed on a JDialog.
How do I approach this?
Do I upload the full 30 MB on the net? Does the uer have to have JCreator on his/her computer? Of can the application be precomplied and then uploaded to the net?
Thnaks again Dirk.