Originally posted by Chris Robertson:
2. This one is even stranger. I start the application and open a new JInternalFrame. If I do this I can type in a text field BUT I can not highlight text with the mouse, i can do it using the SHIFT and arrow keys but not the mouse, I also can not use the mouse to scroll the JInterlaFrame's scroll bar. However if I swtich focus to another frame and then back again everything works as its supposed to from then on out until the program is closed.
I am not sure about the first problem you are having, but I may have some insight on this one...After you open a new Internal Frame, I have noticed that even though you can click on components in the Internal Frame, the Frame itself doesn't seem to have focus.
Try this, when you open a new Internal Frame, click on the Title Bar at the top of the Internal Frame, and then see if it functions properly without having to go from one frame to another.