I have done a setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2)) in order to get 4 panels. 2 rows by 2 columns.
In the row1/col1 (NORTHWEST) is a block of data in tabular format.
In the row1/col2 there should be an image.
In row2 there should be a text area spanning both columns.
Somehow, my current arrangement has got a bit of the image displayed on the right hand side of row 2 text area.
How do I force the image to display in a panel in row1/col2 ???
Yes doing it right the first time is diffcult, after that, I get remarks from colleagues reading and copying my codes, saying "...that looks easy, I knew that... ".
Basically, if I have a 3x4 grid than how do I ensure that panel ABC is in row1, col2 ???
Arrrgggh, all these books have such simple examples, like setLayout(new GridLayout(1,2)).
[ December 10, 2002: Message edited by: achana chan ]