create some panel with a gridlayout (or layout of your choice)
create the 3 buttons, assign action listeners to them and add to the panel.
create ANOTHER panel ('cardPanel') and assign it with a CardLayout
Create 3 more different panels (you can add whatever components to these or make them whatever colours you want to distinguish them).
add your 3 unique panels to 'cardPanel' with the following
in each of your 3 action listeners for the 3 buttons do the following to call the appropriate form.
CardLayout cLay = cardPanel.getLayout();,"panel1Identifier");
keep in mind that you have to substitute the correct
string identifier for the appropriate panel..
my method names might not be 100% correct (doing this quickly) , but
you should be able to get the idea.
NOTE that with the show() method you are calling it on the layout manager and then giving the parent container as a parameter.