Manning Publications announces the release of:
Jess in Action
Java Rule-based Systems by Ernest Friedman-Hill
Greenwich, Connecticut - Imagine a different way to program in which
rules and facts are specified instead of the usual linear set of instructions.
That's the idea in rule-based programming. This approach is ideal for
expressing business rules and is increasingly used in enterprise computing.
Jess is a popular rule engine written in Java. If a problem can be solved
with rules, "Jess in Action" will demonstrate how. The book is a practical
guide to rule-based system development in Java by the developer of Jess.
It covers concepts, the Jess language, and then progresses through a
series of fully-developed applications chosen to expose the reader to
practical rule-based development.
To read the table of contents, a sample chapter, and other content from the
book, visit
http://www.manning.com/friedman-hill Dr. Friedman-Hill is a Principal Member of the Technical Staff at Sandia
National Laboratories in Livermore, California. He is the developer of Jess.
Jess in Action
by Ernest Friedman-Hill
ISBN 1930110898
Softbound, 480 pages, $49.95
Ebook PDF download, 6.4 Mb, $25.00
Manning Publications Co.
209 Bruce Park Avenue ~ Greenwich, Connecticut 06830
203-626-2211 ~