Hey there Ranchers!
I am completely new to threads, and do not really understand it completely.
Here is my code
I know this code isn't the nicest thing in the world, I don't mess around with GUI stuff that much. Its going to be some sort of art deco clock, I know the code will eventually need a complete overhaul.
However, could someone put me in the right direction so that the program checks itself frequetnly, lets say every second, so it updates it and changes the color of the buttons, thus displaying the time.
I cannot implment two things within the class, so here is what i started in another class, but I dont think I am going about it in the right way.
Can someone please
boost me in the right direction?
Threads sound like a great concept that can let you do lots of cool things, but I do not think I am implmeneting it correctly. I mainly copied the code above to try to learn from it, and the java.sun docs can be confusing sometimes.
Thanks for any help n advance!