Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
> Doesn't the number always get reset back to 0 since you're using %
it does, but the if() on the following line checks whether focusList[0] is enabled
if not, componentAfter/Before is re-called and focusNumber becomes 1/(len-1)
Originally posted by Michael Dunn:
check the api docs for the other components, and look for the method that
handles the focus indication, and add code to handle this in the new method
mentioned in my previous reply.
Syed Muhammad Mubashir Ahmed wrote:Dear Michaael when I am using this class for the jtable then it is not working that i am not getting Focus out of the jtable to the next or previous component.
Thanks in advance for any help
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
Doug Sorensen wrote:When using Swing with the Netbeans designer, each "focusable" dialog control can set the "nextFocusableComponent" property (with no programming required).
luck, db
There are no new questions, but there may be new answers.
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