My name is albert kam .. I hope you could give me pointers about these matters.
I need gui components that is also available in these
screenshots of partition magic 8.
At screenshot 2, where there are 3 partitions. If i were to
- right click one of the partition, and choose resize,
- i can resize the partition from the partition boxes by hovering it,
- and the cursor changes into left and right arrow,
- and then i can drag to the left or right, and then release.
What's the better way to do this in
Java GUI ?
My imagination says to use JLabel for this, where i could implement own's coloring by playing with it's Graphics2D.
Also, i could add the right click popup listener.
But to be dragable to left and right, and to change the cursor while hovering the edge of the partition box, how do i achieve that ?
Please advice ..
Albert Kam