Hello Friends,
I have a
string in date format that is "2000-11-05 13:34:56" now i want to convet it into Date object.
I found following methods which allows me to convert String object in to Date but they all are depricated and i am not able to use tem.
1. java.util.Date constructor
2. public static long parse(String)
3. public static java.sql.Date valueOf(string)
So i am not able to uses these depricated methods and can any one pls help me how to do this.
Second, about depricated methods. What i know is that we can use depricated methods in our source code and it will compile with warnings. Ok this this is happening, my source code is converted into bytecode with 1 warning. Now when i run the class file it execute all the commands till it reached the statement where depricated method is used. It then ignores all the lines after that and at the same time i don't get any error message on console.
In short i am not able to use any of the depricated methods. Can some one pls high light on this also.