Having participated in projects in both ASP and JSP, I can tell you:
1. You can get more or less same level of tutorials, articles and code samples for both technologies. Info for ASP tend to be more centralized MSDN being enough in the majority of cases for ASP.
2. There are a mushrooming number of open source projects on JSP that seems to be outnumbering similar projects in ASP.
3. Applets are more sophisticated in terms of processing and (especially) visual possibilities. But are harder to get working right in all browsers, all OS. HTML + DHTML + Javascript is far more easier to get working (if not as visually appealing as an applet) in this kind of environments (read: the Internet). The firewall issue you mention is correct, albeit not as important as this one.
Java is a more sophisticated (in terms of semantic power) than VisualBasic so, even though it has a steeper learning curve, it allows for more natural and more maintanable solutions than ASP.
My advice: if you have the chance to choose, go ahead with JSP + servlet + Java business classes. You will suffer a bit at the beginning, but you will have your prize. If not, don't think you're too confined using ASP, it's sometimes too simplistic or too code-intensive but it does work.
Best luck,
Originally posted by shahul hameed:
We have a bunch of newbies trying to edge out a living using JSP ! But we have a doubt !
1. Do we get as much as freebies (Knowledge Resources)as ASP Code and Tips to do a fantastic Production site for JSP !
2. Why people dont use applet - Servlet - JDBC Model as much as JSP - Servlet - JDBC Model ! Is it because of reach with APplets behind firewalls
Just need a Moral Push !