Hi Vani
Originally posted by vani:
Hi Sunnel
We track sessions in 4 ways.
1. Cookies
2. URL Rewriting.
3.Client Authentication.
4.Hidden form Fields.
Depending on the requirment,keeping in mind the security part the required one is selected.
When u r working on a B2B portal u need to know the clients list and also vendor's list.Different screen's for different login.which can bo done by Client Authenticationi.e...by his ID & password.
Clients are identified using session Ids. To maintain(persist) unique identities we use cookies or URL rewriting.
Please elaborate on session tracking thru hidden fields.
Import java.net.* and try using URlEncoder.encode(String).
Please get back after trying.
[This message has been edited by Suneel Setlur (edited January 29, 2001).]