Originally posted by William Brogden:
If I understand what you are trying to do - it isn't possible. Only one <form> .. </form> at a time can be submitted in a request.
True, but I still think it is possible. Here is how..
Instead of creating multiple forms, you can create a multi select box for each field. Then you can use javascript to add or remove a user from those select boxes. When it's time to submit.. select everything in all the select boxes and then submit. On the server side you can access a
String[] for each of the select box in the same order as you entered your user values.
attribute user_id:
attribute passwd:
passwd1 //relates to user_id1
passwd2 //relates to user_id2
and so on...
But, in order for this to work properly... you have to make sure all fields are mandatory and you have to declare two setter/getter methods for each member. One for a single value form submission...
setUserId(String id){...}
And one for multivalue...
setUserId(String[] ids){...}
BTW, I have never done this before but the logic seems ok.. it should work!