Hello! sir
I have a basic dought i.e. can we use forward tag to forward control html and Image Files of extension .gif,.mpg etc.
I had been tryied for the bellow code for several days to get it work but i could not.I have 3 files HTML file called Forward.html,
JSP file Forward.jsp,and one.gif.If user dosenot enter in the text filed of HTML and submit the same to JSP it should give a HYPERLINK and When some thing filled in the input filed and submit the same to JSP it should froward the control to some other page, here Image1.html.so can u make the correct please.
<FORM name="f" action= "Forward.jsp" >
name:<INPUT TYPE="text" NAME="n1"><br>
<INPUT TYPE="button" name="sub" value="sub" onClick="submit_form()">
<input type='submit' value="submit" >
String s=null; %>
<jsp:forward page="/Image1.html"/>
<a href="http://localhost:8080/Forward.html">back</a>
<img src="/one.gif">