Mediator view is good for a very small Application with not much complexity in the processing. This makes the architecture a kinda Model 2...which was used before the Model 3(MVC) arch. came into practice. Preferably the UI must have as less business as possible and totally de-coupled with the middle-tier for a scalable app. Morover its not good practice to access
EJB's in the JSP. Instead ppl generally use DataViewObjects(clones of EJB) to ferry the data betweeen JSP and EJB's.
Seperation of various layers is accomplished with Service to worker architecture. This serves well for both small as well as large sites. Easier to maintain and lot more scalable than the 2-tier architecture. There's a lot of documentation on this @ sun site.
Just to add my 2 cents of experience...i had pretty bad experience over maintainance and enhancements with the Moderator View whereas the Service to Worker(MVC and
Struts frameworks) worked well for me.
We actually evolved the controller to be a JSP instead of Servlet(thereby minimizing the compilation and deployment of the controller). This is a kind of hybrid of both the arch. that you have mentioned.
Good luck,