Hi is it possible for
http://hostname/webAppPrefix/someServlet to
be evaluated at
http://hostname/someServlet? I don't find this to be particularly important (though my web-app name is the same name as my controller, so it reads silly/silly).
I am not sure if this is simply an application server issue, but in JRun, I have played around w/ the referring URL Map, and set it to "" [actually the JMC does not allow this, because the ui was written to believe that the default application is ""... so as a workaround in the local.properties file I modified the settings for default and my app:
Unfortunately, having done this, the web server simply intercepts any and all calls to
http://hostname It is evident that JRun does not evaluate "" as the web app name when calls to the controller
servlet, ie
http://hostname/someServlet return a 404 error.
Thanks as always.