Paging ResultSets has been covered multiple times and I recommend a search of this forum as well as the JSP and
JDBC forums.
If you have the possibility of returning so many rows, it probably isn't a good idea to return them all and store them in a Vector. It won't take long to run out of memory and is even worst if the bulk of the data is never used (ie if 90% of the people only look at the first 2 pages anyway)
you should look at setting an upper limit on the rows returned, like 100 or 200, maybe even 500. You may find that in your case it is better to include the paging functionality in the SQL so that the DB only returns the exact data you are currently interested. Code ion doing this can be found
here Another possibility is to do a 'light search' first. Do a search that returns all of the rows, but only includes the primary key. This will be much lighter and then you can pull the IDs from this list to load only the specific data you need.
Regardless of what some may say, there is no single silver bullet for ResultSet paging. Have a look at the options available and use the one that fits your problem.
Hope this helps.