I've installed Tomcat4.1.12 and j2sdk1.4.0_02and the class file is in the ROOT directory which is in the
Tomcat software itself. The context path in servlet.xml was set to "ROOT".
java servlet class file is stored in the directory:
The web.xml file for HelloWorld is in the dir WEB-INF. classes is a dir created by me.
HelloWorld.java doesnt have any errors. Compilation was successful but cant run the Servlet. When i type the URL:
http://localhost:8080/ROOT/servlet/HelloWorld it says :
HTTP Status 404 - /ROOT/servlet/HelloWorld
type Status report
message /ROOT/servlet/HelloWorld
description The requested resource (/ROOT/servlet/HelloWorld) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/4.1.12
instead of getting HelloWorld on the webpage.
Can you plz help me why iam getting this type of error even though the class path is set correctly.my Email Id is
pavanisanni@yahoo.com Thanks