Hi All- I like riddles, so I thought it would be fun to have a riddle contest If you know a riddle post it and see if anyone can answer it! I'll go first: "Whats as tall as a castle, light as air, and a million people couldn't move it?" Jimmy-
These are all good answers, however none are the correct ones for the riddle.(even though they fit the criteria) I'll give a hint..the object is on the ground, not in the air. Jimmy-
A beam of sunlight. (actually I think "the shadow of a castle" is more likely the correct answer) [This message has been edited by Cindy Glass (edited June 22, 2001).]
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
I still prefer rainbow. A shadow conforms to the surface with no perceived height. The length of a shadow would also change in size, from many times the height of the object to nothing at all.
[This message has been edited by Andrew Shafer (edited June 22, 2001).]
Here's another one: Find the 2 errors int the following sentence- "There are 2 errorrrs in this sentence." Jimmy- [This message has been edited by Jimmy Bonds (edited June 23, 2001).]