Hi Torsten,
Step 3 is required to convert the object to XML String. We tried with
Java Object Serialization before, but at that time our development environment was VAJ 3.5.3 and the serialized object in VAJ
Test Environment had problem while being unmarshalled in Sun 1.4.1 JDK - I do not remember the exact exception message, but as far as I can recall, we used to get Corrupted Stream exception. But, if effect, that would throw us out of VAJ
We also tried JSX, instead of Castor, and JSX works too. You could use JSX or any other kind of XML Serialization.
Regarding, Step 4 and 5 - as the HTTP Connection originated from Applet, hence, all the response will end up going to the URLConnection input stream of the Applet, which initiated the connection. No matter, where you forward your response to, the response stream could be read by reading on input stream of the URLConnection.
Here is example code from applet,
Now, we have byte array from the response, convert the array to String, which is really the object marshalled to XML.
Hope this helps.