It's not possible for us to know what his (the architect's) intentions were when he made this decree.
If it's in the checklist of requirements handed to you by the client, I would ask the client. If THEY don't know why and they can't reach the architect to ask him, maybe the whole architecture should be revisited.
The thought of a group of developers building an app to specs that they don't understand for a client who understands the specs even less is disconcerting at best. Somebody should understand what's being built.
That being said...
People generally use that tag to enforce a policy of "no reliance on sessions".
Not using sessions helps to control memory usage. If you put a lot of large objects in every session and you have a site with a lot of traffic, your memory usage will climb fast.
It also helps to insure that the app will work in a distributed environment without having to set up session replication.
Also, if you're not using sessions, you don't have to worry about serializing them when you reboot the server.
The architect may have come up with another way of managing state which would make
JSP sessions redundent.
[ January 29, 2005: Message edited by: Ben Souther ]