Originally posted by Paresh Joshi:
even if i have placed .java file and .properties file in same folder , it is given "FileNotFoundException".
i am using Netbeans as an IDE .
Probably, you might have put your .properties file in the same location as that of .java/.class files. But it should be available in the
classpath meaning where the classes are found.
In case of your
java or class files under a specific package name say "com.mytest.servlets", you would have have your .java files under "com/mytest/servlets" folder.
For the .properties file, you are supposed to put the .properties in the "classes" direcly [which is present inside your "build" directory in case of NetBeans] and NOT inside "com/mytest/servlets" as that of your .java files.
[ August 14, 2007: Message edited by: Raghavan Muthu ]