hello there..
i m new in
java so please dont ignore this post its very urgent,i didn't find and relevant post before even though after looked around the recent ones.
i want to communicate an
applet embedded into a
jsp(say myjsp) to a
servlet(say myservlet) those are in diffrent directories.
myservlet itself running with uri
http://localhost:8084/UASProject/myservlet.java and this file located in
/UASProject/src/java/ directory.
myjsp itself running with uri
http://localhost:8084/UASProject/myjsp.jsp and this file located in
/UASProject/web/ directory.
and i am using the follwing code inside
after running this code i found following error in IE7.0 window
HTTP Status 404 - /UASProject/RegistrationData.java
type Status report
message /UASProject/RegistrationData.java
description The requested resource (/UASProject/RegistrationData.java) is not available.
Apache Tomcat/5.5.17