Hey, I want me an Indian wife. Where does one apply?
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Originally posted by Sameer Jamal:
Heaven is where you have got American Salary, Chinese food, British House and Indian Wife
Hell is where u've Chinese house, British Food , Indian Salary and American Wife
Originally posted by Michael Ernest:
Hey, I want me an Indian wife. Where does one apply? Cabbages are on fire!! Get me a hose!!!
Originally posted by Christophe Lee:
Some privileged majority people will undoubtedly say this is overreaction and they meant no harm. It is also these very same people that do not realize their own stereotypes and so they continue their insensitive ways and continue to offend minority peoples - ignorantly.
I think it's a bit of a generalization (and equally offensive) to say people who think you are overeacting, or don't agree with your characterization of the thread author, are "insensitive", "ignorant", "offensive", and guilty of perpetuating stereotypes. Even more offensively you seen to be limiting your criticism to "privileged majority people", which I think it is fair to assume that you mean white people (now are you implying "priveledged" because of color of skin?).
In your zeal you seem to be guilty of doing the same thing that you are arguing against.
At the risk of being a stereotypical, offensive, and ignorant privledged majority person, I think it is very possible that in this specific case you may be overeacting concerning this particular individual. There may be several reasons he wants to go to China for a wife that have nothing to do with seeking a spouse whom, according to sterotypes, he believes will be submissive.
Maybe he just finds Chinese woman particularly attractive. Maybe he is attracted to the Chinese culture and this heightens his interest in a Chinese wife. Maybe he has given up on finding a spouse in his native country and believes that in a country with a population of over 1 billion his luck with the ladies might improve somewhat. Possibly he is socially inept and mistakenly thinks that his status as a westerner makes him desireable in a foreign country. Maybe he is of Chinese ancestery himself.
The point is I don't know his motives and neither do you. So it is quite unfair for anyone to make any assumptions of his motivations without knowing more detail. Assuming the worst of people is at least as dangerous as buying into stereotypes.
All that being said, I think if we are all really honest with ourselves, that we all buy into or even unknowingly perpetuate stereotypes in some way or another. This may be due to lack of experience with a given culture, or may in fact be due to mistakenly projecting experiences with some members of a culture onto the culture as a whole. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but it is human nature and something we should probably try to be aware of and recognize in ourselves.
Originally posted by Christophe Lee:
...this general discussion of wanting to date a specific race is very disrespectful and insensitive because they quantify their reasoning with a stereotype.
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