If I want to design an interface/Application which will perform the following functions:
Create a record contains 15 students and read the input from user.
1) We are free invited to enter the details of a Student with the name,
and enter the 3 Marks obtained in each 3 subjects.(like..Integer.parseInt(input);read their input
2) Calculate the average
test score of each student.
3) Display the name of the student and test score according to their grade
esTination, Credit, Pass
or Failed.
Fail=less than 40
Pass=less than 60 more than 40
Credit=Less than 70 more than 60
Destination=More than 70
4) Calculate and display the highest and lowest average score.
5) Develop in Application and print out the input from what user entered.
The report program should display in this format.
Roger Investigation Company
S.No Name of Student Marks in 3 subject Average Grade
Mark1 Mark2 Mark3
1. Mayer 65 79 24 56 PASS
2. Raite 55 78 69 67.33 CREDIT
4. .....................................
till 15 students.
Highest Average = 67
Lowest Average = 56
(edited by Cindy to format code)
[ April 30, 2002: Message edited by: Cindy Glass ]