I added
[code] tags to preserve the indentation.
First, you can break this into separate lines by reading it with a BufferedReader, which has a readLine() method. For each line then, you need to separate the different fields. It looks like you can identify fields just by counting characters - e.g. the DIST field seems to start in the 12th or 13th column, and end in the 15th. You can extract this with
String's substring() method. (Read the API for this carefully.) The you can convert the data to a non-String format using methods like trim() and Integer.parseInt() - E.g.
String line = buffReader.readLine();
String distStr = line.substring(11, 15);
int dist = Integer.parseInt(distStr.trim());
This approach should work if the column numbers are consistent throughout your input file. If they're not, well, you'll have to study the file structure more to look for consistent
patterns which you can use.