Crystal Reports. Ugh.
In order to use Crystal Reports and
Java, you will need to implement the Crystal Reports Report Server. This is particularly annoying of you want client-side reports, but it should work for JSPs.
However, this server servs the report up as its own page. I've not explored this, but if you wanted it on your own page, you might look into using HTML frames. Or maybe portal technology.
Just a warning: Crystal is extremely annoying to work with (which, if you've used it extensively, I'm sure that you know). There are other 100% Java reporting tools out there. Search Google for JasperReports and JFreeReport -- those are two open source alternitives that I know of.
Piscis Babelis est parvus, flavus, et hiridicus, et est probabiliter insolitissima raritas in toto mundo.