Originally posted by John Ipe:
would it be an option for you to use Runtime.exec(). you could specify your OS's copy command in the parameter
Originally posted by chi Lin:
For efficiency, you can use java.nio package for copy.
e172 of Java almanac 1.4
Author of Test Driven (2007) and Effective Unit Testing (2013) [Blog] [HowToAskQuestionsOnJavaRanch]
Originally posted by chi Lin:
For efficiency, you can use java.nio package for copy.
e172 of Java almanac 1.4
Originally posted by chi Lin:
For efficiency, you can use java.nio package for copy.
e172 of Java almanac 1.4
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Originally posted by Thomas Paul:
The knuckleheads at Sun have been ignoring this problem since Java came out. Here is a bug that was submitted in 1997:
Makes me wonder what they are smoking at Sun if they think copying a file has different meanings (not implementations) on a Sun server as opposed to a Macintosh.
In my opinion, the developers at Sun are way too concerned about making simple things complicated (see the JSF specification) and not concerned enough about fixing serious holes in J2SE.
Originally posted by Ron Perrella:
UNIX has a very simple definition of files. Other platforms (indeed ALL OTHER platforms) have more sophisticated files. Resource Folks on Mac, Windows has additional streams of some kind, BeOS, MVS, VM/CMS, VAX/VMS,you name it.
Originally posted by Renee Doran:
In the code snippet given in this topic the close of the channels happens in the try block. Should this be moved to a finally?
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