I have tried a bunch of different ways to implement a delete method here,I cant get anything to work. Still pretty new at this programming stuff, but for some reason i cant get the code right. would someone please point me in the right direction!
Notes & Caveats:
-The Node class has been made into a private inner class so that this class
is entirely self-contained.
public class OrderedList
private Node listHead;
// constructor creates a Node to serve as the list head.
public OrderedList()
listHead = new Node();
// Method: void insert(int value)
// Insert a new value at its proper place in the list (acsending order).
public void insert(int value)
Node prev = null;
Node node = listHead;
Node newNode = new Node(value);
if (value < node.item) break;
prev = node;
node = node.link;
while (node != null);
newNode.link = prev.link;
prev.link = newNode;
// Method:
String delete(int value)i
// delete a value from the list if it exists. If the value is not found no
// the list is unchanged.
public boolean delete(int value)
// Method: boolean query(int value)
// Returns true if the specified value is in the list, otherwise false.
public boolean query(int value)
for (Node node = listHead.link; node != null; node = node.link)
if (value == node.item) return(true);
return false;
// Method: String toString()
// create a String contains all the values in the list delimited by newlines
public String toString()
String list = "";
for (Node node = listHead.link; node != null; node = node.link)
list += node.item+"\n";
return list;
// Node class defintion as an inner class.
// The data field is an int, but typically it would be an object reference.
// There are 3 constructors; two require a value for the data field, and the
// third uses the minimum integer value (this is useful for the head node).
private class Node
int item;
Node link;
// constructors
public Node()
this(Integer.MIN_VALUE, null);
public Node(int newItem)
this(newItem, null);
public Node(int newItem, Node newLink)
item = newItem;
link = newLink;
// driver for the OrderedList class
public static void main(String[] args)
OrderedList myList = new OrderedList();
// build a list using the insert() method