Hi guys. But of a tricky one to explain this!
I have a class called SingleDelayEffect, which has a constructor:
This gets the values from a class called SingleDelay. However SingleDelayEffect extends a class called AudioEffect. You can see here that i have used super(value) to add the value of 'fowardMemSize' to the contructor of AudioEffect. This is fine, but what if the forwardMemSize changes? Ordinarily (for a variable like 'feedback')i can juse ues a method like:
to get the value of feedback from the SingleDelay class if this value changes. But because the value of forwardMemSize is calculated in SingleDelay, and passed over, it won't change. In the SingleDelay class, i'm making a new object each time:
I know the super(); call has to be the first line of the constructor so what do i do it this value varies
I know i made a pigs ear of explaing this so if any more info is needed i can reply straight away
Thank you!
[ April 06, 2004: Message edited by: Eddie Shakarchi ]