Where are the *.java & *.class ,and how jvm find them?? 1.where is the location of java foundation class ? *.java I think is in the j2sdk/src.zip ,but where is the *.class? 2.where is the other source ,such as jsp or ejb ? when i install j2ee or tomcat ,apache,struts, ant? how the jvm to find the *.java and *.class?
What is it you are trying to do? If you want to have a look inside the code files of the core java packages then yes you can open up the src.zip file and take a look. You will find the compiled class files are mainly packaged in the rt.jar file which resides in the <java-home>/lib/rt When you install J2EE then you get another set of java and class file within there own .zip and .jar files. The same is true for Ant, JUnit, Log4J e.t.c.
Thanks a lot I find there are some class int the j2sdk/lib ,such as dt.jar tool.jar but I didn't find such as Object.class and other in the jar ,does it exist ? or the class only produce after compile?