posted 19 years ago
Java Reflection reflects Java programming types, your classes and interfaces, which u can use to examine those types in detail. The package java.lang.reflect contains the reflection package. You can use them to write a complete type browser, or write an application that interprets code that a user writes, turning that code into actual uses of classes, creation of objects, invocation of methods, and so on.
for the Sun tutorail see:
SCEA5.0 (In Progress), SCBCD5.0, SCBCD1.3, SCWCD5.0, SCWCD1.4, SCJD, SCJP6.0, SCJP5.0, SCJP1.4, SCJA1.0<br />OMG Certified UML 2.0 Professional - Fundamental - Intermediate - Advanced <br />Oracle Database 10g Administrator Certified Associate