How to serialize the object(notepad,
word...) to the database in
For example: I am having a notepad "a1.txt". It has some content and I am serializing the object(notepad's content) in the databse. (now a1.txt - version 1.0)
After some time, I am once again opening the notepad and doing some modification and saving that file and serializing it again in the databse. (now version 2.0)
After some time I want to revert back the version 2.0 to version 1.0, due to some reason.
How can we achieve this in java? Any direction, idea or sample coding will be helpful.
I know it's purely my exercise, but don't know where and how to start. Hope this group will help me.
I am also doing my homework in it. I know how to serialize the object in the file, but not in the database. Any sample coding or sample open source software related to this will be useful
[ September 12, 2005: Message edited by: Niyas Ahmed Sheikh ]