I'm trying to call a method to get a value...
but I'm not sure exactly how to do it!
This is a small part of a large project, I'm just plugging away at trying to do each portion one at a time.
I have several files, and here's how they stand right now, I will describe where my problem is right now at the end:
Grade.java (I'm done with this one, yay
Name.java (dont think I need to touch this one at all)
Transcript.java (this is the fun one...)
The problem I'm working on right now is the getGPA() method of Transcript.java - where I am supposed to get the sum by multiplying the course quality points by the number of credits.
I have:
And the error I am getting on this is:
"Cannot make a static reference to the non-static method getQualityPoints() from the type Course"
Does this mean I need to make a call to Course.getQualityPoints() and assign that to a new variable?
[ December 11, 2005: Message edited by: Kevin Tansey ]