Thanks for reply. I need to describe more for my issue. There is Jcombox with the list of timezone with format like "Ameria/New_York",
The original sample code could be like
m_timeZoneBox = new JComboBox(OraLocaleInfo.getCommonTimeZoneIDs());
// notowrking as "PST8PDT" from TimeZone.getDefault().getID()); doesn't match
string "Ameria/New_York" in the list of OraLocaleInfo.getCommonTimeZoneIDs
1. I need to put the default timezone based on JVM locale. Such as I am in New York, the selected item of jComobox list will be "America/new_Yrok"
2, I hope to localized the display to local language. If the locale of JVM is zh_CN for Chinese, the Jcombox list should be Chinese and the selected item should be in the position of "Asia/Shanghai"
Any comments are appreciated!
[ November 18, 2006: Message edited by: Steve Jiang ]