Have heard from my folks that my baby sister was arrested yesterday for being involved in anti-war protests on campus! It was apparently just a peaceful banner waving protest which was bust up by over zealous red neck cops.
That is all well and good (heaven knows my folks got enough experience of this with me), but she is now being threatened with deportation if she continues her "anti patriotic stance"!!! She is a green card carrying permanent resident for *&@&@^ sakes!
This is not the behaviour of a "democracy" - but that of a facist police state!!!
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Monday, March 17, 2003
A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War
George W. Bush
1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
Washington, DC
Dear Governor Bush:
So today is what you call "the moment of truth," the day that "France and the rest of world have to show their cards on the table." I'm glad to hear that this day has finally arrived. Because, I gotta tell ya, having survived 440 days of your lying and conniving, I wasn't sure if I could take much more. So I'm glad to hear that today is Truth Day, 'cause I got a few truths I would like to share with you:
1. There is virtually NO ONE in America (talk radio nutters and Fox News aside) who is gung-ho to go to war. Trust me on this one. Walk out of the White House and on to any street in America and try to find five people who are PASSIONATE about wanting to kill Iraqis. YOU WON'T FIND THEM! Why? 'Cause NO Iraqis have ever come here and killed any of us! No Iraqi has even threatened to do that. You see, this is how we average Americans think: If a certain so-and-so is not perceived as a threat to our lives, then, believe it or not, we don't want to kill him! Funny how that works!
2. The majority of Americans -- the ones who never elected you -- are not fooled by your weapons of mass distraction. We know what the real issues are that affect our daily lives -- and none of them begin with I or end in Q. Here's what threatens us: two and a half million jobs lost since you took office, the stock market having become a cruel joke, no one knowing if their retirement funds are going to be there, gas now costs almost two dollars -- the list goes on and on. Bombing Iraq will not make any of this go away. Only you need to go away for things to improve.
3. As Bill Maher said last week, how bad do you have to suck to lose a popularity contest with Saddam Hussein? The whole world is against you, Mr. Bush. Count your fellow Americans among them.
4. The Pope has said this war is wrong, that it is a SIN. The Pope! But even worse, the Dixie Chicks have now come out against you! How bad does it have to get before you realize that you are an army of one on this war? Of course, this is a war you personally won't have to fight. Just like when you went AWOL while the poor were shipped to Vietnam in your place.
5. Of the 535 members of Congress, only ONE (Sen. Johnson of South Dakota) has an enlisted son or daughter in the armed forces! If you really want to stand up for America, please send your twin daughters over to Kuwait right now and let them don their chemical warfare suits. And let's see every member of Congress with a child of military age also sacrifice their kids for this war effort. What's that you say? You don't THINK so? Well, hey, guess what -- we don't think so either!
6. Finally, we love France. Yes, they have pulled some royal screw-ups. Yes, some of them can be pretty damn annoying. But have you forgotten we wouldn't even have this country known as America if it weren't for the French? That it was their help in the Revolutionary War that won it for us? That our greatest thinkers and founding fathers -- Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, etc. -- spent many years in Paris where they refined the concepts that lead to our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution? That it was France who gave us our Statue of Liberty, a Frenchman who built the Chevrolet, and a pair of French brothers who invented the movies? And now they are doing what only a good friend can do -- tell you the truth about yourself, straight, no b.s. Quit pissing on the French and thank them for getting it right for once. You know, you really should have traveled more (like once) before you took over. Your ignorance of the world has not only made you look stupid, it has painted you into a corner you can't get out of.
Well, cheer up -- there IS good news. If you do go through with this war, more than likely it will be over soon because I'm guessing there aren't a lot of Iraqis willing to lay down their lives to protect Saddam Hussein. After you "win" the war, you will enjoy a huge bump in the popularity polls as everyone loves a winner -- and who doesn't like to see a good ass-whoopin' every now and then (especially when it 's some third world ass!). So try your best to ride this victory all the way to next year's election. Of course, that's still a long ways away, so we'll all get to have a good hardy-har-har while we watch the economy sink even further down the toilet!
But, hey, who knows -- maybe you'll find Osama a few days before the election! See, start thinking like THAT! Keep hope alive! Kill Iraqis -- they got our oil!!
Michael Moore
Matthew Phillips
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Taariq Levack:
cosidering there might be more than 5 people on this board alone "passionate about killing iraqi's"
Originally posted by R Manivannan:
Just because you take that report is true just the way as it stands:
You go to fight with a person and your guest says to you, "Don't fight with him. It's not good for you (us)", will you kick your guest out of your way?
Ofcourse you have the right and power, but is it the right thing to do?
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
It was apparently just a peaceful banner waving protest which was bust up by over zealous red neck cops.
Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
If he says his opinion politely, I will listen politely. When he starts staging a protest - (even a peaceful protest) in my kitchen and will ask him to get out. Well, I would probably give him one warning first. That is just about what was described.
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
If he says his opinion politely, I will listen politely. When he starts staging a protest - (even a peaceful protest) in my kitchen and will ask him to get out. Well, I would probably give him one warning first. That is just about what was described.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by Jason Menard:
Umm... Michael Moore wrote that one letter. Enough said on that one, imho.
Originally posted by shay Aluko:
I am actually a big fan of Rush Limbaugh, despite what some may say are his shrill rantings, he is very courageous and willing to put everything on the line and speak the truth. That is a rare commodity these days and i respect him for that
Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.
- Robert Bresson
Originally posted by shay Aluko:
I am actually a big fan of Michael Moore, despite what some may say are his shrill rantings, he is very courageous and willing to put everything on the line and speak the truth. That is a rare commodity these days and i respect him for that
Originally posted by R Manivannan:
I feel a peaceful protest is the most polite way to convey something to the government. Isn't it?
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
If the regulations state that Green Card holders can not participate in political demonstrations - then that is essentially telling the guest that his opinion is not desired.
You are a guest until you are adopted into the family. In the US that means when you become a naturalized citizen. Until then you are expected to behave as a guest.
In fact I would be very suprised if anyone hassled a person who was ONLY participating in a legal peaceful demonstration.
Quaerendo Invenietis
Originally posted by R Manivannan:
I think the better equation would be,
US = Home
US Citizens = Family memebers
Green Card holders = Adopted members.
Tourists / H1-B visa holders = Guests
Originally posted by R Manivannan:
I think the better equation would be,
US = Home
US Citizens = Family memebers
Green Card holders = Adopted members.
Tourists / H1-B visa holders = Guests
"JavaRanch, where the deer and the Certified play" - David O'Meara
"I'm not back." - Bill Harding, Twister
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by Cindy Glass:
A person in my country with a Green Card is a guest in my home. Even if they are residing with me for a long time.
I'm just saying...it's right there!
Originally posted by: Jason Menard
That you believe anybody here is "passionate about killing Iraqis" only goes to illustrate that you neither understand Americans, nor do you understand this conflict.
Originally posted by <AmericanEagle>:
I do find it strange still that Jason decided that I was mean and unfair to Map, when in fact I was not, even before Map decided if I was. This reminds me of the French deciding the wording of our second reloution was acceptable or not even before Iraq made their own decidion. Stop trying to be dictators in here, and celebrate what the military members of this forumn have faught for, your freedom to express your own ideas.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
Associate Instructor - Hofstra University
Amazon Top 750 reviewer - Blog - Unresolved References - Book Review Blog
Originally posted by <AmericanEagle>:
I point you to the words of Paul Wheaton for guidance on what is acceptable correspondence herein.
Rules for JavaRanch
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
SCWCD: Online Course, 50,000+ words and 200+ questions
Originally posted by Paul Stevens
1. That was not a personal attack.
2. It also came before Paul ever posted.
Originally posted by <AmericanEagle>:
The following additional thread, by Paul Wheaton linked below should clarify the nature of this peronal attack. We would all do better to stick to the issues themselves, rather than the person writing about them. We'll just have a better more harmonious community if we follow Paul Wheaton's guidelines.
Originally posted by: Jason Menard
While I always appreciate a good dose of sermonizing, the fact is that there was no personal attack made�.
Uncontrolled vocabularies
"I try my best to make *all* my posts nice, even when I feel upset" -- Philippe Maquet
She's out of the country right now, toppling an unauthorized dictatorship. Please leave a message with this tiny ad:
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