Hi folks,
This is a pretty general question and I hope I am in the appropraite forum.
In HTML one can display an image with the following code:
<img src="path/image.jpg" width = "70" height="100" />
Now, if I want to display an image in a
jsp and then use some logic to redisplay a second image in the same location on the page, how do I do it? The above is hard coded. In a jsp I cannot build a
string and then display it, i.e.
<% String i1 = "path/image1.jpg";
String i2 = "path/image2.jpg";
.. some logic to assign either i1 or i2 to s..
String h = "<img src=" + s + "width=/""70" ... etc;
as you see, although I have built a String, the HTML bit is still text. I can't think of a way of parameterising the HTML. I thought of actually writing different images into the file located at
but this feels wrong, since in web apps generally, writing to the deployed files is not usually recommended.
So, how does one display different images on a page?
with best regards,
Simon Ingram