Originally posted by PRATIBHA MATTA:
THANX A LOT.........
Dear Pratibha,
If you have done programming in any other language, you would have found that a program written in one platform cannot be run in another platform. When one says platform, it refers to both the computer hardware as well as software. For eg. a C program written and compiled in an IBM Compatible, under DOs cannot be run on a Sun Sparc station running solaris operating system. Similarly a C program written and compiled in Unix/ Linux cannot be run on a Windows machine.
Java circumvents this problem by using Java Virtual Machine and platform independent bytecodes. Normally when you compile a program in C, you get an executable file, which can be directly executed by the operating system. But when you compile Java source code, what you get is a .class file which is said to be ByteCode. To exceute this byte code, you need a virtual machine which is a software that is acting as a translator between your operating system/ hardware and your program. so your program is converted into machine code by the JVM.
This byte code/ JVM makes all java codes platform independent , that is ' Write once- in any platform, and Run anywhere - in any platform.
Hope this helps. I still wonder how urgent this was to you. Was it just a ploy to attract attention. Remeber if it is , peopple will start ignoring your messages after some time. Just like the boy who cried tiger once to often just for fun...