When you compile Employee.java it will create an Employee.class file. Since your classpath is pointed to c:\com\jwilson\pkgs and the package for Employee.java is com.jwilson.pkgs then your Employee.class file should actually reside in c:\com\jwilson\pkgs\com\jwilson\pkgs
Let me describe how I set up my directory structure and maybe this will clear things up. I have a Dev_Projects directory with a myjava under it. C:\Dev_Projects\myjava
Under that I have two directories called src and lib. If I have a file called foo.java which is in the com.stuff.gui package then my source code will be in the C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\src\com\stuff\gui directory. When I compile the program I can do one of 2 things: I can either use "ant" (which I always do) and tell it where to dump my class files. OR, I can use the -d command option on my javac command to tell it to place all my class files in C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib
Now, once that's compiled my foo.class file will be in the C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib\com\stuff\gui directory. Therefore, my classpath must point to C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib
Once my classpath gets the javac or
java program to look at C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib the program will then automatically append the package name onto the directory. Therefore, since your package is com.jwilson.pkgs your java programs will go to the directory specified in your classpath and THEN look for a com/jwilson/pkgs directory underneath that directory.
So, assuming you to have a C:\Dev_Projects\myjava directory with src and lib directories then you would have to do this:
1. set your classpath to .;C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib
2. Put your Employee.java and PackageTest.java files in C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\src\com\jwilson\pkgs
3. Compile with the javac -d C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib option
4. Check to see if you now have a C:\Dev_Projects\myjava\lib\com\jwilson\pkgs\Employee.class file (and the PackageTest.class file as well)
Now if you type
java com.jwilson.pkgs.PackageTest
you should have a working program.
I hope that helps.