First, a point of order: please use the [CODE] and [/CODE] tags when posting code; it preserves the indentation and makes it easier to read. (You can go back and edit you post, replacing the *code* with the appropriate tags...)
Now, on to the meat of the matter:
Are you having a problem getting your bubble sort code working, or a problem understanding what a bubble sort is? I don't see any attempt at a bubble sort in your code, so I will assume the latter. Since I am not in the habit of doing other homework, I will offer some pointers and explainations to bubble sorting, but the actual code is an exercise left to the reader
A bubble sort is a simple (yet highly ineffecient) method of sorting a List/array of objects. It is called "bubble sort" because it forces the item with the largest value to the end of the array. It then finds the item with the next highest value and ofrces it to the end. To accomplish this, it iterates through the array and compares an item with the next in the array. If the first item is greater than the second, it swaps the positions of the two items. It then moves down the array in such a manner that the item with the greates value will constantly be being swapped into the next position, until it reaches the end of the array.
As a hint, I will state that bubble sorts require nested for loops.
I hope that this helps.