OK, lets take this step by step. Did you try to compile just the code for the applet to display itself? Take out all of the other code and logic and make sure you at least get the applet to display.
OK, now that applet displays lets add things one thing at a time and then make sure they work. For your button to work you need to add an ActionListener, since your applet itself extends ActionListener you can use it to receive the events from the button. Something like this:
Now, when someone clicks the button the event will be sent to your applet class to the ActionPerformed method. Just to make sure it works correctly go ahead and implement the method to just clear the name they entered from the text field. Something like:
Now compile it, run it, enter some text and clcik the button. the text should disappear.
OK, now you can start to implement the actual functionality you need. I assume you need to get all of this info and do the conversions you mentioned then redisplay it.
You'll have to get the name and save it to redisplay it.
Get the numeric grade they entered and convert it to a letter grade. See my comments on your tests and Ernests comments and create a method (or a block of code in the action handler) to do this. Save the letter value.
Now do the same type of thing with the type of student, get the value and convert it to Freshman, sophmore, etc.
Take all of these values you get and redisplay them however you need to.
I left this deliberately obscure so you can actually do the work yourself, if you get stuck at a cetain point just post the code you've got and we'll give you a hand.
As far as the guys in your class being mean to you, well that just ain't right. They could at least give you some tips or an idea of how they did it. You go ahead nad send them around here and we'll learn 'em on how to treat a fellow programmer.
Hope this helps