Shoot guys, I still must not know what I am doing. It has to be an easy counter that I need, but I can't seem to figure it out.
if ((next >= 90) && (next <= 100 )) next = 'A';
System.out.println("Number of A's = " + counterA);
if ((next >= 80) && (next <= 89)) next = 'B';
System.out.println("Number of B's = "+ counterB);
What in the world am I doing wrong.
After someone inputs the grades, which I call next, and after the program runs, the program is supposed to count the number of A's, B's etc. I have set a variable counterA = 0.
Each time I run the program, it just outputs the number 1 for each A, B, C and so on. I know there has to be a simple counter to do this.
Any ideas? Thanks so much for you help. I think I am brain dead.