Hi all
Im switching to
java from VB and I was discussing
IDE's on the vb forums:
http://visualbasicforum.com/showthread.php?t=198425 The reason I'm switching is that I shivver everytime some1 asks me what I program in or when some early teen says VB - it's just its image. Also it will come in very handy learning other proper languages and when I hopefully go to UNI netxt year to study computer science as a mature student.
my main message is this: [maybe some1 here is able to help me [better?] ]
I bought Ivor Horton's Beginning Java JDK 1.4 [1100 pages] 2+ years ago and only got through the initial 400 and forgot most of that [probably due to incompetence but blaming it on that would be incompetent as its a simple thing to do...
] so I consider myself a beginner. In those days whenever copying / editing an example program from the book I would be using JCreator or sometimes notepad. JCreator [lite] is a great alternative to notepad but not much else. The lite version at least doesn't have autocomplete or step through and breakpoints [some of the strenghts of VB].
I prefer making interface-less programs as you can concentrate on the core without the usual user input hassle of validating every action, but hey thats programming I suppose...
Yesterday I downloaded and installed JBuilder from Borland and initial impressions were a bit cumbersome. I had trouble enough getting it to recognise 3 classes as part of one project [finally just dragged them in the project explorer window]. I'm not sure why it comes with its own compiler [It's the Java one, right?] but hey ho. Getting adjusted is gonna take some time I suppose [coding in it atleast] but I did manage to change the compiler to my JDK 1.5 beta as it didn't like my
import java.IOException;
import java.FileNotFoundException;
statements. Not that changing the compiler helped a lot.
I have the java documentation in the docs folder - will JBuilder integrate with it to offer support in a MSDN fashion? [another agreeable feature of VB]
Would anyone suggest Visual J++ if you're only developing java apps for the windows platform? Is the 'visual' bit as daunting as the 'visual' in M$ VC++ ?
IF the interface designer proofs useful then I will certainly use it otherwise JCreator will have to assist there.
The reason I'm suddenly switching to Java again is this:
http://planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57209&lngWId=1 . It is a college program I did in VB and posted it as lots of people are having trouble with the problem interpretation only to find out you are not supposed to share your work. Good intentions getting us in trouble eh? It's almost as if they try to impede any postive actions. Anyway. This way lots of people can use it as a reference yet I'm not sharing my work as I won't be handing it in. It's merely a case of translating it into Java.
Well, when I say merely...
I have a pretty limited period of time to get this thing done: file handling, general coding [*should* be ok - the generating code - see link], interface :0 and turning it into an
This raises some questions tho:
what's Java's version of app.path?
How do I pass an array between methods/functions or rather reference them in memory the way I have done in the VB version.
Can applets perform read and write actions on the machine it is stored? Can I refuse connections if a client is already connected? [As I don't want two people generating a new match *see link ^ *]
Any hints on using the interface designer in Jbuilder? Instead of using Java's equiveland of the tree view control I was this time hoping on using its equiveland on the list-view control - any tips on that as I don't think Mr Ivor discusses it in detail - merely its availability.
The way I planned the file reading code was:
Open it in binary
Create a file buffer the size of the file
Read the entire file into the file buffer at once [it is only a small file - competitors.game included in the zip:
http://planetsourcecode.com/vb/scripts/ShowCode.asp?txtCodeId=57209&lngWId=1] Making it executable [Jar(?)] will pose as one of the final challenges as will compiling it with a compiler tool that makes it harder to decompile as Java seems notorious concerning source availability even when compiled. Not that I'm against open source - on the contrary - but this time fellow students should only be able to access the 'binary' - well Java's solution.
Well, here I go. Thanx people