Thanks for the replies guys.
Ok, so added -Xlint option and I don't get that much more information. Here's what I get with -Xlint enable...
Created dir: C:\My Projects\Slider\build\classes
Compiling 3 source files to C:\My Projects\Slider\build\classes
C:\My Projects\Slider\src\slider\ slider.SliderGUI.GraphicsPanel is not abstract and does not override abstract method mouseExited(java.awt.event.MouseEvent) in java.awt.event.MouseListener
class GraphicsPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
C:\My Projects\Slider\src\slider\ warning: [serial] serializable class slider.SliderGUI.GraphicsPanel has no definition of serialVersionUID
class GraphicsPanel extends JPanel implements MouseListener {
C:\My Projects\Slider\src\slider\ warning: [serial] serializable class slider.SliderGUI has no definition of serialVersionUID
class SliderGUI extends JPanel {
1 error
2 warnings
BUILD FAILED (total time: 0 seconds)
I had a look at the Javadoc and I'm still confused as to what I have to do. According to the Javadoc, "the class that is interested in processing a mouse event either implements this interface (and all the methods it contains) or extends the abstract MouseAdapter class (overriding only the methods of interest)."
So I tried doing the following, but still it didn't work...
I'm sure this is a quite simple problem, but I can't see the solution. Any tips?