Hi there,
Peter van der Linden, in his excellent book
Just Java 2 6th ed, suggests that, if a program is being compiled which contains features new to JDK 1.5, the command line entry should read something like this:
As an aside, he mentions that this may change after the book has gone to press.
I could not see any indications on his website (or anywhere else) that it has changed, but, as an experiment, I was able to compile some simple programs that contained the new autoboxing and unboxing features (the context in which this issue was introduced) by simply typing
in the command line.
Am I understanding what has been said correctly, and are these extra options on the command line now redundant, or will I have difficulties implementing new JDK 1.5 features at the compile stage in the future?
Where can I find documentation on this?
Thanks for your help in advance.