I am developing an application with ejb3. I am not getting clear idea as i should go for entity beans to represent the persistent layer or should i go for pojo based layer? Is there any technical difference between pojo class behaviour and dto class behaviour? Is it feasible to use separate hiberanate layer in ejb3 layer that can be used with hbmtoddl which can be used for pojo creation? Sorry for putting the different questions at the same place but this is my first post on javaranch and as these are related i am putting these at the same place.
First, EJB is a simple POJO wrapped with externel features provided by APPLICATION SERVER. If you want POJO based approach ( without extending all EJB realted classes) then use SPRING & HIBERANATE for your application.
The tradeoff between EJB & POJO depends on your application requirement.
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